The IWCA gathered at the South Bend Museum of Art and 12 members and visitors viewed the exhibit that just opened. Acumulation and Revelation, works by Julie Tourtilotte and Nicole Havekost, is in the SBMA Warner Gallery Until August 27. Here are a few words from each of the artist statements:
“My textile work in this exhibition was produced over a two-year period beginning in early 2021. One thread that connects all of the pieces is my interest in expanding my knowledge of and direct experience with natural dyes, a fascinating subject with deep histories and cultural importance in many parts of the world.” Julie Tourtilotte
“I am fascinated by bodies. They are magical and glorious and gross and bewildering…Stitching, sewing, constructing, assembling–I have been doing this to make bodies and body parts for over twenty years. Piercing, pulling, closing; each stitch is both aggressive and restorative.” Nicole Havekost
After looking at the exhibit and reading and watching the documentation we moved to the “knitting lounge” and enjoyed discussing the show and sharing news about what we have been working on.